Friday, August 18, 2006

What is Un-American?

JB Williams hits a home run with his article, Are People Who Attack American Principles “Un-American”?. The words Un-American and Anti-American are bantered around quite a bit. We have almost grown numb to them. I am glad to offer you something that will help you get a handle on these terms.

America was founded on a very short list of broadly stated yet pretty specific fundamental principles hard to misinterpret, though not so hard to undermine via intentional misrepresentations. All of these principles combine to make up the American way of life, in essence, what it means to be American.

Let me give you the list.

If you are against capitalism, traditional family values, freedom of religious expression, life – liberty and the pursuit of individual happiness through personal effort, the Constitution as it is written, national sovereignty or security, then you are in fact against every thing America is, ever was, and was ever intended to be. And that my friends, is un-American…

Read this article and pass it around. Seems terms are getting pretty muddy in today's world. I'm glad articles like this can help clear things up a little.

Special thanks to JB Williams



Blogger Ranando said...

Great post...

Glad I stopped by.

9:58 AM, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, Ablur. Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days - my phone service went down and they just got it fixed.

Glad to see you're a part of the 2,996 project! :)

1:56 PM, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is your definition of traditional family values for the 21st century? Are modern family values diametrically opposed to traditional family values? Why not just say, "family values"? Does the word "traditional", in itself, express your preferred values? Traditionally, daughters were expected to obtain permission from their fathers to marry, wives were discouraged from work and forbidden to even voice an opinion on pertinent issues, fundamentally contradicting the principals of life-liberty and individual happiness. Yet these are traditional family values, are they not?

4:48 PM, November 12, 2007  
Blogger ablur said...

You are dragging me back a year, but I am willing to try and answer your question.

"Traditionally, daughters were expected to obtain permission from their fathers to marry, wives were discouraged from work and forbidden to even voice an opinion on pertinent issues, fundamentally contradicting the principals of life-liberty and individual happiness. Yet these are traditional family values, are they not?"

Your statement points to a flawed perspective of woman being less than man. The real question comes down to women's rights and the boundaries of Tradition and Modern.

The roll of women in the family has changed dramatically but has it been for the good?
The wife is not a lesser roll to the husband. She is an equal partner. The Husband is given the ultimate roll of final decision and the full measure of consequences for that decision. In any partnership a deciding factor must be identified to eliminate a dead lock. This does not make the wife less, nor does it make the husband more.
Marriages who failed to observe the full measure of the partnership often suffered.

You can read more on how I see marriage here.

6:39 PM, November 12, 2007  

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