Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Your Going The Wrong Way

Like a car driving down the wrong side of the freeway. The president has taken a head on collision with the American People. Pole after pole has reported overwhelmingly that the people don't want this bill. The immigration reform bill is a bitter pill that America won't swallow. You can tell where I stand on the issue by simply reading down the page.

Bush apparently wants this package. He even took the ever so rare journey to the Republican policy luncheon. He seems completely blind to the fact that the American people have said NO. Everyone in DC has gotten this message Loud and Clear, but George.

Even Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) has a clear picture of the problem. "We . . . have lost credibility in Washington ....."

"A lot of the problems we're facing now come from a low level of confidence in the Congress and a low level of confidence in the administration," said Isakson (R-Georgia).

Other Republicans wrote a formal letter outlining the key issue. "We respectfully ask that your Administration enforce the border security laws that have already been authorized by Congress regardless of whether the Senate passes the immigration reform bill," the letter said. "Securing the border is the best way to restore trust with the American people and facilitate future improvements of our immigration policy."

Look George, the message is clear. Secure the border and enforce the laws on the books. Tell your friends down south that the majority has made its decision and they lost.

Article of Interest

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly. To make matters worse Trent Lott makes a statement that talk radio is running America. What does this piece of shit have to fear about free speech? Perhaps talk radio should run this contry, because wimp ass Republicans can't, that's why they lost so badly last year. I'm a registered Independent, and will remain that way until a party of government makes me want to support them. I don't see that day coming.

7:55 PM, June 15, 2007  

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