Keys to Success
New technology and old fashion skill increase the dangers in society. Everyone feels safe when they are at home behind lock doors. How safe are we really?
The technology is out there where someone could take a picture of a set of keys and make a duplicate of that set. Well skilled locksmiths can look at a key and make a duplicate without ever touching the key 80% of the time. A new computer program can take a picture from a cell phone or long range camera and make a set of duplicate keys.
How many people do you know leave their keys out at work? They toss them on the counter or desk and think nothing about the security risk they may be taking. In a public office anyone could be coming through and collecting data. Most people aren't too hard to follow home or simply profile based on name and other available info.
Just knowing this allows you to take steps to increase your personal safety. Take a moment and look at your habits and routines and check to see how much you have exposed yourself to those seeking opportunity. Discuss personal security at home.
If you don't think a picture of your keys can invite unwanted guests, read about your keys here.
The technology is out there where someone could take a picture of a set of keys and make a duplicate of that set. Well skilled locksmiths can look at a key and make a duplicate without ever touching the key 80% of the time. A new computer program can take a picture from a cell phone or long range camera and make a set of duplicate keys.
How many people do you know leave their keys out at work? They toss them on the counter or desk and think nothing about the security risk they may be taking. In a public office anyone could be coming through and collecting data. Most people aren't too hard to follow home or simply profile based on name and other available info.
Just knowing this allows you to take steps to increase your personal safety. Take a moment and look at your habits and routines and check to see how much you have exposed yourself to those seeking opportunity. Discuss personal security at home.
If you don't think a picture of your keys can invite unwanted guests, read about your keys here.
Labels: Family, Technology
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