Saturday, November 21, 2009

Have you made up your mind about healthcare?

I have made 27 posts about Healthcare since June. I have pointed to real issues and solutions as well as mistakes and problems. There has been some things worthy of a good laugh and other things that have made me very mad. We have seen bills passed in congress that nobody read. Do we really want to make a change of this size with no trial period and no evidence that it would work?

Shouldn't we test out something this big? I want proof it works. I question if congress even has any authority under the constitution to do this. I can find no grounds for such an action. Some have pointed to the preamble as there authority.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I see promote as a synonym for encourage or press for. I don't see it as take over and force. We should also note that this was written as a focus on state unity under a common government and not personal unity and needs as some would wish it to suggest. The US constitution was written to help a small group of independent states defend and promote themselves. The federal government was carefully crafted as a balance of state interests and populous needs. We have moved a long way away from the government envisioned by our founders.

It might be your last chance to speak your peace about healthcare reform. Use the button on my side bar to write your senator and tell them and there staff what you think should be done about healthcare. Encourage them to actually read the bill. encourage them to push for a amendment that tests this proposal before it goes nation wide. I think this will ultimately cost us more and give us less. Tell me why you think I am right or wrong.

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Blogger Frances Clements said...

I like the point about the definition of promote. Just for kicks, I looked up the definition (something I doubt Congress does much of). The first definition at is: to help or encourage to exist or flourish; further

That is a far cry from establish, take-over, etc. Really good point.

10:06 AM, November 22, 2009  
Anonymous Perri Nelson said...

Yes, altogether too often people, and Congressmen point to the general welfare clause of the preamble to the Constitution as justification for the acts of Congress that are overreachings... recently though one Congressman came close to getting it right...

Article 1, section 8 enumerates the vast majority of the powers of Congress (a few are listed elsewhere). The very first of the enumerated powers is given thusly...

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

Here the power is granted to "provide for" the general welfare "of the United States". This is the power that Senator Merkley was referring to when he claimed that the Constitution gives Congress the authority to mandate that all American citizens purchase federal government specified health insurance.

Of course his statement relies on a misunderstanding of "the general Welfare of the United States", which arguably refers to the welfare of the union of the states.

3:59 PM, November 22, 2009  
Blogger TOM said...

All the authority the Congress needs, is a majority vote.
The Supreme Court is not going to find this bill unconstitutional, anymore than they found Social Security, Food Stamps, Welfare, or other social programs unconstitutional.
The bill offers choices, it does not force any public program on anyone. It does raise taxes to pay for the public option, and of course the IRS won't be happy if you don't pay your taxes.
But you are not forced onto public health care, and the CBO estimates that only 3-6 million people will sign up for the public option.
Private health care insurance is still the way to go. Any company who wants to retain good employees, will not be dumping their work force health insurance in to this public option.
Competition works both ways. I don't know why people think individuals, or corporations would choose the public option when there are excellent private health insurance companies to choose from, even if they are slightly more expensive. I'll pay more just to stay out of the government bureaucracy of public health insurance.

12:09 AM, November 29, 2009  

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