Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cautious Optimism

I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard Bush talk about enforcing current immigration policy. I have been begging for this for a long time. We have plenty of laws on the books we don’t need any more laws on illegal immigration. If we don’t use and enforce those that we have, what good are new ones? So far all the new laws proposed seek to eliminate the laws that are on the books. We have been a nation of laws since our humble beginnings. Over the last 50 years we have eroded our foundation of law. We have taken clear thinking and made it all fuzzy.

The thing that bothers me currently though is why the Bush Administration would, after six years in office, suddenly take a stand on this issue? In my opinion, they have done everything possible to stand on the opposite side of the issue they are proposing now. Even after 9/11 our country has failed to close and lock its own doors. We have left them wide open so that anyone can come and go as they please. What has changed his mind?

The Kennedy-McCain (Bush) Immigration bill was the direction of choice for this administration. We the people had to rise up to be heard. Our elected leaders, who were put in office to do the will of the people, got a clear and very loud message. This message said No to Amnesty and demanded the current law be followed. The message was so loud and clear even the Bush Administration heard it. Or Did They?

I have heard that it is really a push to make it difficult for us Americans. They are gambling that we will fold when the chips are down. This administration hopes that we will be begging for the return of this cheap labor force. Big business has already begun the low murmurings. Some groups are already starting to panic about the soon to be rising cost of food prices.

Everyone is focused on the loss of labor and the rise in wages to draw a new force. We seem to be missing the other parts of the equation. Before I delve into what they are not looking at, what about the mixed message in the argument. Did anyone notice that those who complain the most about the minimum wage and the low paying jobs are now complaining about changing this for the better? I have written several articles on the minimum wage. I have even debated scholars on this topic. It is not the minimum wage that is the problem.

What everyone seems to be overlooking are the standard rules of supply and demand. They also fail to notice that it is not a closed system. Just because the cost of labor goes up, doesn’t mean other factors don’t go down to balance the equation. I will admit that these factors will result in cost increases at the beginning, but time will balance out the equation. I would be willing to wager a net decrease in cost on society. How? If this vast population of illegal workers suddenly disappeared, how would that effect education, health services, corrections and financial assistance organizations? Many major expenses that are tearing down the infra-structure of our American society can slowly be restored and revitalized.

The question is, can we the people take the initial increase without complaining. The balancing scales may take a couple of years to settle out. Are we willing to bet on the future? Are we willing to stand on the side of law? Many times the people of our great nation have stood up to the challenge over the years. Do we still have what it takes to do it today?

I have high hopes that we can, but the liberal mindset and the immediate gratification crowd will be whining. It will take a continuous effort by the people to hold political temptation at bay. We need to remind our leaders that the greater body who has elected them to office wants things done a certain way. We spoke loud and clear about amnesty and we can do it again. This time it is not a single item issue but a constant drumming that keeps them in check. The minority crowd will be waiting for any opportunity to overturn our will. We must be vigilant.

Article of Interest
The Minimum Wage Isn't The Problem

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