Everyday Americans are demanding that something gets done about energy prices. We hear from our elected leaders and the people on the street that we need energy independence. It doesn't matter what party you affiliate yourself the call is clear, America needs to be meeting its own energy needs. I can't count the number of times people have pointed to the fact that we are buying oil from those who seek our destruction. We are literally buying the bombs being used against us.
Incredible leaps and energies are being focused on finding alternatives to meet our needs. Currently almost 90% of our energy needs are being served by oil. Yet America only supplies a small percentage of what it uses.
We have so much more available but we are not allowed to access it. Why do we choose to buy what we have? Our elected leaders, in their infinite wisdom, have refused to bend to the will of their constituents. Americans are screaming "Drill Here, Drill Now", and congress refuses to bend. 76% of America recognizes that drilling our own oil is the first step to energy independence.
That's right the entire congress is to blame, but one person has the greatest portion of this blame. Nancy Pelosi has single handedly kept this issue from receiving an up or down vote. She flatly refuses to let Americans use what they own. She says crazy things like "You can't drill your way out of this."
Drilling for oil right here, right now will change the price of oil almost immediately. Within six months of congress passing a law that would allow us to drill, oil prices would fall like a rock. The world knows that viable energy and oil drilling costs money and that figure that makes doing our own thing not worth the cost is $80 dollars a barrel. Once oil falls below $95 a barrel various sources become unworthy of the cost to produce. Once we reach $80 a barrel the worlds oil becomes too cheap not to buy. The oil supplying nations will be only too happy to keep our money flowing to their sand box. They simply can't afford for America to stop buying their oil.
If we want Energy Independence we are going to have to resist this temptation and continue drilling and recovering our own oil. We might have to pay a little more at the pumps in order to put the infrastructure in place to make independence possible. The cost would still be less than what we are paying now. Prices would be around $3 a gallon for us to put the system in place and start supplying our own. The cost of independence will be about fifty cents a gallon. I'm willing to pay the extra to bring Independence to America. Are you willing to do what it takes? When the price falls will you continue to demand independence?
Alternative energies will still need support and development. We need to broaden our energy possibilities. Are Americans willing to do what it takes?
Labels: America, Energy, Price